We take responsibility

As a company, we do not only focus on economic success. We align all our corporate activities responsibly and sustainably, and in doing so we also involve our suppliers. As part of society, we are also committed to our home region by actively supporting initiatives, associations and clubs.

Core processes in line with latest recognized standards

We align all our core processes with the latest recognized standards. To this end, we have established an integrated, comprehensive quality management system that we are continuously optimizing and expanding. By the end of 2021, we will be certified in a total of eight categories. These include social, environmental and energy management, information security, and occupational safety and prototype protection. Recognized external experts regularly check compliance with the criteria as part of audits, thus confirming our high quality standards.

Commitment to the region

We are also committed to the region in which we are based. For example, we support the pupils of the Schloss Belvedere music high school with free app access to journalistically prepared news(https://megafon-online.de/). With interactive coloring books and workbooks on the subject of fire safety, we help the Weimar City Fire Brigade Association (www.sfv-weimar.de) to educate primary school children on how to deal with fire in order to prevent accidents. We also support the Benefix Run, the proceeds of which are used to support charitable and socially committed organizations, institutions and projects in the greater Weimar area (https://www.benefixlauf.de/). And finally, we have been supporting the Sportclub 1903 Weimar e.V. for many years, which looks back on a long tradition and is home to sports enthusiasts of all ages. The club campaigns against racism and for tolerance and diversity. Values that also form an important basis for our company (http://www.sc03weimar.de/).

Environment and sustainability

We have been creating an annual sustainability report in Europe since 2019 and are in the process of becoming a member of the world's largest and most important initiative for sustainable and responsible corporate governance (UN Global Compact). Our group of companies has saved more than 8.6 million kWh of electricity and thus more than 3,400 tons of CO2 emissions through systematic energy management since 2012. But we want to go even further: The CEO of Desay SV, Gao Dapeng, declared in mid-November 2021 that the company intends to become carbon neutral. The TÜV is supporting us in developing a comprehensive plan to achieve this goal.